This blog is 3 years old! My Meiquiñas in Emiika Today is my third blogversario
! seems incredible how much time has passed since I created this blog, without having any idea how much it would bring you! I discovered the world of illustration, how much I love to draw, and I have met wonderful people who accompanied me during this time through the blogosphere, and many of them also from outside:). Thank you all for your comments and your visits. If not for you this blog would have withered a looooong time ago. THANKS!
And to celebrate this blogversario so excited I'm going to emulate my friend Claudia Mundogominola and I'll do a lot! But since I am a bit petarda going to put one condition.) Anyone who wants to participate in the first draw of Meic have to put on his blog a post about Universal Children's Day which is November 20, participating in the blogosphere Campaign against child pornography: "NO Child Pornography." Fingerprint Initiative and wagon-ba r. Adding this picture:
those who want to participate leave me a comment on this post for the day 20 to walk about your pages and see who have been encouraged to join this joint initiative of the blogosphere. :) cheer up! costs very little and do more of what we believe:). Award is Selena! this adorable Meiquiña who is anxious to adorn the lapels of your jacket! :)
And I add a pic, that so I have the blog meiquiña abandoned illustrations! I have several in progress, but I want to finish before hang here:)